I am currently a researcher on the ANR-funded To2No project, based at IKER-CNRS (Irantzu Epelde, coordinator), examining variation and change in allocutive marking in Basque dialects. I'm also a member of the Basque & Beyond research group (Beatriz Fernández, PI).
My recent work on variation in English has been as a collaborator with the Corpus of New York City English (CoNYCE) research group along with Cece Cutler, Michael Newman Beatrice Santorini and Christina Tortora (lead PI). From 2018-2022 I was co-PI on NSF-funded project supporting this work: "Collaborative Research: A Corpus of New York City English: Audio-Aligned and Parsed" (BCS-1630274).
Downloadable papers:
[2025] Change in root restrictions on Basque allocutivity (with Irantzu Epelde, Urtzi Etxeberria and Ricardo Etxepare). Journal of Historical Syntax.
[2024] Some implications of again-modification for the syntax of English particle verb constructions (pre-publication draft). Syntax.
[2022] Cot in the Act: Speaker Ethnicity Conditions Lexical Identification in the Context of the Low-Back Merger in New York City English (with Omar Ortiz). Penn Working Papers in Linguistics.
[2022] The formal heterogeneity of allocutivity (with Deepak Alok). Glossa.
[2022] Embedded allocutivity in Basque (with Urtzi Etxeberria). Syntax.
[2022] Cross-speaker covariation across six vocalic changes in New York City English (with Michael Newman, Cecelia Cutler and Christina Tortora). American Speech.
[2021] Aspects of change in New York City English short-a (with Michael Newman, Cecelia Cutler and Christina Tortora). Language Variation and Change.
[2020] Variation and Change in the Particle Verb Alternation across English Dialects (with Daniel Ezra Johnson, Joel Wallenberg, and Anders Holmberg). A festschrift for Jenny Cheshire.
[2020] Toward a unified analysis of Addressee in C. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique.
[2019] Object symmetry effects in Germanic: Evidence for the role of case (with Anders Holmberg). Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.
[2018] Almost everyone in New York is rasing PRICEs (with Michael Newman and Zi Zi Gina Tan). Penn Working Papers in Linguistics.
[2018] The syntax of Basque allocutive clitics. Glossa.
[2018] Truncation feeds intervention: Two clause type effects in Basque (with Arantzazu Elordieta). Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.
[2017] Repairing Final-Over-Final Constraint Violations: Evidence from Basque verb clusters (with Ricardo Etxepare). In, Laura R. Bailey and Michelle Sheehan (eds.) Order and Structure in Syntax. Language Sciences Press.
[2016] Constant effects and the independence of variants in controlled judgment data (with Dan Johnson, and Nanna Haug Hilton). Linguistic Variation.
[2016] The diffusion of the low back merger in New York City (with Daniel Ezra Johnson, Michael Newman and Faith Kim). NWAV 45 poster.
[2016] Strategies of Verb and Verb Phrase Focus across Basque Dialects (with Arantzazu Elordieta). In Microparameters in the Grammar of Basque, edited by Beatriz Fernandez and Jon Ortiz de Urbina.
[2015] Word-level distributions and structural factors co-determine GOOSE fronting. (with Soskuthy, M., Foulkes, P., Hay, J. & Hughes, V.) Proceedings of ICPhS, Glasgow.
[2015] Change in the Syntax and Semantics of be like quotatives (with Eytan Zweig and Daniel Ezra Johnson). In Syntax over time, CUP.
[2015] A note on Basque vocative clitics. In Ibon Sarasola, Gorazarre.
[2014] Focus effects on particle placement in English and the left periphery of PP (with Daniel Ezra Johnson). Proceedings of NELS 43.
[2014] Four kinds of object symmetry (with Anders Holmberg). in Complex Visibles Out There. Proceedings of the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2014: Language Use and Linguistic Structure.
[2014] Interrogative slifting in English (with Anders Holmberg, Hidekazu Tanaka and George Tsoulas). Lingua.
[2013] Social correlates of two vowel changes in Northern England (with Vincent Hughes, Hazel Richards and Paul Foulkes). Language Variation and Change.
[2013] Asymmetrical trajectories: The past and present of -body/-one (with Alex D'Arcy, Hazel Richards, Sali Tagliamonte and Ann Taylor). Language Variation and Change.
[2013] V≥2 in Basque (with Arantzazu Elordieta). Penn Working Papers in Linguistics--Proceedings of Penn Linguistics Colloquium 36.
[2012] Effects on the Particle Verb Alternation across English Dialects (with Daniel Ezra Johnson). Penn Working Papers in Linguistics--Proceedings of NWAV 40.
[2012] Object Movement Symmetries in British English Dialects: Experimental evidence for a mixed case/locality approach (with Anders Holmberg). Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics.
[2012] The Syntax of manner quotative constructions in English and Dutch (with Eytan Zweig). Linguistic Variation.
[2012] Object movement (A)symmetries in British English Dialects (with Anders Holmberg). Proceedings of WCCFL 29.
[2012] The syntax of be like quotatives (with Eytan Zweig, Daniel Ezra Johnson). Proceedings of WCCFL 29.
[2012] Constant linguistic effects in the diffusion of be like (with Mercedes Durham, Eytan Zweig, Daniel Ezra Johnson, Zipporah Baker, David Cockeram, Esther Danks, Louise Tyler). Journal of English Linguistics.
[2012] A continuum of definciency for Basque infinitives. (with George Tsoulas). In: Noun Phrases and Nominalizations in Basque, edited by Urtzi Etxeberria, Ricardo Etxepare and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria. Benjamins.
[2010] Theme-goal ditransitives and theme passivisation in British English dialects. Lingua.
[2010] Formalising syntactic variability in contemporary theory: context and issues (with Bernadette Plunkett). Lingua.
[2009] The British Isles. (with J. Stuart-Smith). In Sociolinguistics Around the World: A Handbook. Ed. by M. Ball and N. Muller.
[2009] A note on Basque Participles. International Journal of Basque Linguistics.
[2008] Mid Vowel Raising and Second Vowel Deletion in Oiartzun Basque. (With P. Foulkes). In Gramatika Jaietan Patxi Goenagaren Omenez, Ed. by X. Artiagoitia and J. Lakarra.
[2007] Euskal perpausaren oinarrizko espez-buru-osagarri hurrenkeraren aldeko argudio batzuk (Some arguments for an underlying spec-head-complement order for the Basque Clause.) In Antisimetriaren Hipotesia vs Buru Parametroa: euskararen hitz hurrenkera ezbaian (ed.) X. Artiagoitia and A. Elordieta. Gasteiz: U. of the Basque Country."
[2007] On Egin: Do-support in Basque. NLLT.
[2007] Suburbanization and Language Change in Basque. Language in Society.
[2007] The Structural Deficiency of Verbal Pro-forms. LI.
[2005] Two Kinds of Restructuring Infinitives in Basque. Proceedings of WCCFL 24.
[2005] Standardization, Functional Shift and Language Change in Basque. Estudios de Sociolinguistica.
[2004] Affirmation and Weak Islands. Snippets.
[2004] Sentence Polarity and Word Order in Basque. The Linguistic Review.
[2004] Conjunction Meets Negation: A Study in Cross-linguistic Variation (with Anna Szabolcsi). Journal of Semantics.
[2003] Dialect Contact in a Southern Basque Town. Language Variation and Change.
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